Friday, 22 June 2012

Degree show part 2.... the knit and weavers...

As well as the printers I also tried to get some images or the knitters and weavers work. (Sorry if not all are pictured here)

Sophie Watson

Lauren Mcnicholl

Gabriella Sitori

And the knitters...

Nikki Jones and Hannah Porter

Ruby King and Sophie Ho

And a few Embroidery faves thrown in for good look :)

Heather Tribe

Katy Stoor

Once again these girls have worked really hard and deserve all the best.

Degree Show part 2... the printers...

As well as my work in the previous post here is some work of the girls on my course, I tried to get a good mix of work, knitter, printers and weavers. (apologies if some images aren't totally clear) Firstly some of the printers (sorry everyones not on it)...

Emma Alviti

Ellie Brown

Kate Berry

Rachel Clayton

Sophie Franks

Rebecca Hennigan

Anna McGilp

Annabel Collins

Kelly-Ann Doyle

Louise Whitaker

All these girls have worked extremely hard and deserve all the best.

Degree Show...

Well its finally all over, degree show is now finished and all that is left is results in a weeks time! The degree show was really a mix of emotions, some days with great feedback and some good interest others that weren't as productive. Iv'e had interest in my work from Paul Davey at Lilys Designs, who I will hopefully be doing work for his home as well as some great interest and i'm hoping further work via robertafulford, commercial interior design company. Heres my show, I had work downstairs in the foyer are and upstairs as part of the textiles show.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Hotel Missoni

The second ever hotel Missoni has now been opened and fitted out with all Missoni fabrics and designs and I love it!! its exactly the sort of work i want to be doing. The textiles are beautiful so bright and colourful and really make the hotel 1 in a million. Check out more here:

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Degree show...

The degree show starts tomorrow how scary!! but hopefully it will be really good and a really good opportunity for us to talk to people in the same business and for people around manchester to come and see whats going on. So if any one sees this and is around they should come and check out the show!!!

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Double Exposure...

I have recently com across the website but that websites needs a whole post to its self!!1 anyway whilst wasting some wonderful time on there I came across some beautiful double exposure photographs by Doug Keyes!

These images are really beautiful and I think my next design move might be getting a disposable camera and trying out some double shots. Keep an eye out and we shall see how it goes.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Floral Designs...

These are some designs that I was working on right up to the end of uni, they took me a very long time to get to grips with. After working a lot with photography, clean line and geometric shapes, to the be told I should design with organic shapes and florals was a bit of a shock to the system. It took me quite a bit of time to find a way of using florals that I like as i'm not really a very girly floral person. These are a few of the final designs that I became more happy with and 1 even made it into my portfolio for assessment!